Announcer  -  A guy goes in for a 6 month checkup with his general practitioner. The doctor looks over the lab results, listens to the guys heart and asks:

Doctor  -       Your lab results look great. So how are you feeling?

Guy  -            Well, except for a few minor aches and pains, I'm feeling great.

Doctor  -        So I'll see you again in 6 months.

Guy  -             Great. but I do have a problem that you might be able to help me with.

Doctor  -         So what's the problem?

Guy  -               Well, my problem is more one of a mental nature.

Doctor  -           Have you noticed memory loss?

Guy  -                Oh, no. Not at all.

Doctor  -            Well then what seems to be the problem?

Guy  -                  Could you recommend a physiatrist to help me with my problem?

Doctor  -             Certainly. Here's the number of a colleague of mine. He's the best. Give him a call.

Guy  -                   Thanks, doctor. And I'll see you in 6 months, if I am able.

Announcer  -       So the guy makes an appointment with the psychiatrist. Weeks later they meet.

Psychiatrist  -      Good afternoon. You were referred by my colleague. Did he detect a problem?

Guy  -                    No. I asked him for the referral.

Psychiatrist  -       What makes you feel you need a consultation with a psychiatrist?

Guy  -                    Well I am not sure about what I should do going forward. You see, I have this problem.

Psychiatrist  -       Your problem. OK. Now we are getting somewhere. How can I help you?

Guy  -                    I am not sure you can help.

Psychiatrist  -      Let me try. First is this a problem about your job?

Guy  -                    No

Psychiatrist  -       Family?

Guy  -                    No

Psychiatrist  -        Money?

Guy  -                     No

Psychiatrist  -        Pets?

Guy  -                     No.

Psychiatrist  -         Well let's not waste time guessing at $325 per hour. What is your problem?

Guy  -                      My problem is quite personal.

Psychiatrist  -         And this problem which you ca not seem to speak about needs an answer?

Guy  -                      Oh yes. And quickly.

Psychiatrist  -         So?

Guy  -                       Well let me ask you a few questions that will help me know if you are the right person to help me.

Guy  -                       That's not the way this works.

Guy  -                       Well it is my $325.

Psychiatrist  -            OK

Guy  -                        Are you a stamp collector, by any chance?

Psychiatrist  -            Yes, since childhood.

Guy  -                         I suppose your collection is quite extensive.     

Psychiatrist  -            Yes. My occupation permits me to obtain some wonderful items to be added to my collection.

Guy  -                          Great. You might be just the right person to help me find an answer to my problem.\

Psychiatrist  -             I don't see how my stamp collecting could help you to find an answer to your problem.

Guy  -                         Well, that's just it. A true stamp collector with analytical training of the mind might be the only person to help me with my problem.

Psychiatrist  -             So what is the question you have that demands an answer that only a health care professional can answer?

Guy  -                           Here's my problem. Should I collect mint or used?

Psychiatrist  -              So that's your question that demands an answer. OK. I'd say, mint is the way to go.

Guy  -                            I figured that is what you would say, so I have a follow-up question.

Psychiatrist  -               What's that?

Guy -                              Should I collect never hinged, hinged, lightly hinged, no gum, degummed, disturbed bum, gum skips, hinge remnants, glazed gum or dull gum? You can see my problem.

Psychiatrist  -                 I see this question of yours will take a few more sessions to resolve. How's next two Tuesdays at 2PM for double sessions?

guy  -                              That would be great.

Psychiatrist  -                  OK. Se you then.